Hosea & Esther Apeh
Grace Christian Mission began as Life Training Center started in John and Lydia's home. And has been under the leadership of John Apeh since 1993 until his death in March 2023.
Hosea has been partnering with John, bringing a holistic message of the gospel to the people of Central Nigeria. Through rural outreaches, Christian education, water well drilling, literature ministry and agricultural works, the ministry of Grace Christian Mission transforms lives in unique ways. Away from the fields, Hosea works as an educational psychologist with a university where he trains new generation teachers for the task of raising younger ones to become responsible members of society. He currently heads the Department of Educational Foundations.
With John's passing, Hosea assumed full leadership of the work where he directs the following ministries:
Grace Outreach Team conducts regular outreaches to rural areas in partnership with existing local churches for proper discipleship of those who make decision for Christ.
Grace Media Ministry develops and print gospel literature for free distribution in schools and public places. Grace Media Ministry also coordinates, Bible Correspondence for young people. Currently, we are developing plans to commence Virtual Bible Correspondence School. Our Media work will develop children's evangelism materials with local content that can be easily accessed by the rural population. The materials will include audio, video and written gospel materials for children and youths.
Grace Christian Schools provides elementary, primary, and secondary education for the rural population. The vision is to reach out to many through fellowship with/ Christian counselling services to students.
Faith Farm maintains fishponds and crop farms. The goal is to provide skills training, meet feeding needs of the widows/orphans/the needy as well as generate income to become self-supporting.
Lifewater Nigeria, well drilling ministry, currently drills new wells, rehabilitating old ones, and carrying out constant repairs in multiple locations in Nigeria. We also provide Hygiene and Sanitation Training and build toilets to deal with open defecation.
Coming up is John and Lydia Apeh Foundation with the goal of sourcing funds and providing financial support for education of Christian Leaders in theological schools.
The Foundation will also operate a Theological Library open to the public and students at theological schools for research. The current stockpiles of John's books and personal notes will be further developed into consumable forms to build the knowledge base of the people.
Grace Vocational Training Centre is also evolving with skills acquisition training in computer, machining, baking, sowing, masonry, carpentry etc mainly for gospel workers (to develop self-support) and for others in the community.
Hosea is married to Esther and they have three children, Ariyeh, Avichai and Asher.