Mike & Louise McDonald
Michael and Louise McDonald are a couple from Rhode Island, USA. They have been married since 2003 and through that time have together shared a sincere yearning to serve the Lord. Their professional backgrounds are varied whereas Mike served in the United States Navy for over twenty years within the US Naval Construction Force, Louise became a registered nurse and has held responsibilities in varied capacities throughout her career.
Within their time together well before retiring from their initial professions they each sought higher educational opportunities. Mike pursued the Education profession later allowing him to teach with a degree in Special Education and assist with TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language). Louise fulfilled her passion for the arts attaining a Graphic Design degree. They both also enjoy small scale farming, bee keeping and gardening as a hobby.
Having a servant's heart, the Lord interestingly acquainted the couple to opportunities that the diverse classes from Equip International in Marion, North Carolina have provided. Within a few short years the knowledge acquired from the classes combined with their own life skills has familiarized them to the needs that would enable them to assist missionary field workers. This has led to the mutual decision on their part melled with Divine Inspiration for the desire to volunteer in a missionary setting. They can offer support with their skills to the long-term team with medical assistance that is provided to the local community or with providing any industrial help to the infrastructure the missionary's community may need.
With the willingness in their heart and their growing faith, Mike and Louise have considered the challenges their decisions bring and continue to seek the Lord's guidance.