We believe in advancing the Kingdom of God through collaboration with other mission agencies, churches, and missionaries to better serve communities in need, ultimately equipping God’s people to fulfill the Great Commission.

Mission Organizations
As we partner with other Christ-centered missions agencies, we seek to understand their training needs so we can equip them with relevant courses that further the work in their particular contexts. Our specialized, hands-on training goes beyond typical missionary orientation and can enhance the professional development provided by our agency partners.

We come alongside churches in their short-term missions ministry, providing customized training to church members in preparation for their upcoming trips. Also, if a church is sending a missionary, we provide a host of courses that can prepare individuals and couples for long-term missions service.

Missionaries come to us with an entrepreneurial vision for serving others, and we help them refine that calling and formulate a plan on how to get where they want to go. Our help to them may be as simple as providing a course to help them gain a necessary skill or as long-term as becoming their sending agency. We’d count it a privilege to partner with you.